The courtyard or the lawn is an extension of the home that contributes significantly to the functional and sustainable space. It is quite normal for attractive gardens to have some kind of flaws, be it improper pruning, or mismanaged hierarchy of plants. These flaws can become trouble in a long time for homeowners. Therefore, it is essential to know the mistakes which are easily avoidable. Here are a few of the most common landscaping errors:

#1. Not Having Proper Planning: Short-sightedness while choosing plants for your garden can cause disastrous effects. Most people do not understand the type of trees or plants that will suit their landscape and end up buying a plant that requires high maintenance. People often avoid foliage plants and prefer flowering plants, forgetting that flowering plants are mostly annual while foliages are perennial.
#2. Excessive Emphasis On Ornamentation and Not On Functionality: Most householders make the common mistake of focusing too much on ornamentations. They often overcrowd the space with too many plants or provide artificial decorations, thus distracting the viewer from the natural beauty and aesthetics of the landscape. Make sure that you take into account a few factors such as how the yard will be used by the family, where will the children and the pets play and where you want to arrange for some chairs or a sofa or a swing. The pro tip is to combine aesthetics with functions.
#3. Using The Same Mulch For Every Plant: The mulch that benefits one type of plant, might not prove so to another. Mulch normally consists of pine needles, hay, stone chips, bark, wood shavings, and sawdust. The mulch often decomposes and acts as nutritional manure for the soil. If the mulch consists of stones, try to refrain from using it for long at one place, for the stones get embedded in the soil and become hard to extricate. Also, mulches need to be removed according to the seasons.
#4. Not Considering The Harsh Weather Conditions: While many people focus on the warm summer months while landscaping, they often fail to take the fall and winter months into consideration. When you buy plants from a nursery, ensure that your selection has plants that are both seasonal and perennial. Plants like pansies are a delightful autumnal choice, while deciduous hollies will color your garden all through the winter.

Landscaping Planning
#5. Ignoring Soil Quality and Type: It is essential to have well-drained soils for quality landscaping. There are three types of soils: sandy, clayey, and loamy. For loamy soils, almost all irrigation methods can be applied, for clayey soils, use drip irrigation. For sandy soils, both drip and automatic sprinklers work fine. If your soil is poorly drained, either fix the soil or choose plants which thrive well in such soils. You can also add some compost to enrich the quality of the soil.
#6. Positioning From Only One Angle: When the plants are positioned from a single angle, the view gets blocked and it creates a false impression of more space. Focusing exclusively on the front view might reduce the attractiveness of your lawn or garden. For precise landscaping, make sure that your garden is versatile and looks attractive from all angles.
The Best Way To Avoid All Landscaping Errors
The above-mentioned mistakes can easily be avoided if you hire a professional landscape designing service. The right company will help you estimate a budget and thus save your precious time and money. Most landscaping services have cubic meter calculator to ensure proper planning. With a professional on board, you will be able to save space for additional features such as sitting arrangements or water decorations like a small fountain.