7 Signs That It’s Time to Service Your Split System Air Conditioner

With a reverse cycle split system air conditioner, you can keep cool in summer and warm in winter. This is great for year-round comfort, but it also means your split system never gets time to rest.
If you want to maintain the perfect temperature in summer, autumn, winter, and spring, it’s important to invest in regular servicing and targeted repairs.
In this article, we’ll outline exactly when you need to get your split system serviced, including 7 signs that you should call a heating and cooling expert today!
How Often Do Split Systems Need Servicing?
Split systems are sleek, discreet, and highly effective. The noisiest part of the system is stored outdoors, and the installation process is extremely straightforward, with no ductwork required. The only thing you might need to think twice about is when you get your split system serviced.
You might use your split system every month of the year, but peak usage will occur during the hottest and coldest months. For this reason, we recommend arranging split system services during the autumn and spring months, when your system isn’t being used as regularly.
Professional split system services should take place at least every 2-3 years. If you have an older system or experience the issues listed below, you should consider annual servicing.
As well as this, it’s recommended that you clean your filters every 3 months. This is something you can do yourself. Simply remove the filters, clean them in soapy water, and let them dry before putting them back in the system.
7 Warning Signs
1. The Split System Isn’t Turning On
We recommend arranging split system services during the autumn and spring months, when your system isn’t being used as regularly.
If your system isn’t working at all, this is cause for some alarm, but you shouldn’t call the HVAC technician straight away. Check the batteries in your split system remote to see if it’s just a controller issue.
You can get the system working with simple troubleshooting.
2. Leaks and Moisture
If you spot a little bit of water on the ground near your outside unit, this might be caused by normal system operation. This water is usually the result of condensation, and it will dry up not long after you turn the system off.
It’s recommended that you clean your filters every 3 months. This is something you can do yourself. Simply remove the filters, clean them in soapy water, and let them dry before putting them back in the system
However, if you notice a leak or a build-up of moisture around your indoor unit, you should arrange a split system service. Moisture damage can wreak havoc on your property if it’s left to develop, and liquids can interfere with the electrical components of your split system. There’s also a chance that the leak is refrigerant and not water. Refrigerant is a chemical with environmental, health, and safety risks, so it must be handled with care.
You’ve noticed a leak from your indoor unit or you’re concerned about an excessive build-up of moisture outside.
3. Strange Smells or Sounds Are Coming from the System
The only thing your split system should be emitting is hot or cold air. If you hear noises that are out of the ordinary or notice foul smells coming from the system, it’s important to act straight away.
Banging, buzzing, and hissing noises can all point to serious problems, including loose parts, damaged fans, faulty switches, and a build-up of pressure. If your unit isn’t making any of these noises but it’s much louder than usual, there might be a blockage or clog within the unit.
Foul smells should also have you on high alert, especially if they don’t go away the next time you use the system. This unpleasantness could be a sign that mold, mildew, and other debris are building up in your unit. If you notice a burning or electrical smell, switch off your system ASAP.
4. Airflow and Thermostat Issues
If hot air is coming out of your unit when it’s meant to be cold, or vice versa, make sure you’re using the right mode. Some remotes will have separate buttons for heating and cooling while others will require you to scroll through different modes. If the air is room temperature, you might be using a fan-only setting. Some split systems are cooling-only, so if you’ve moved into a new house and you can’t get warm air, this might be the reason why.
You’ve ruled out all these problems and you’re still getting the wrong temperature. Additionally, your system isn’t blowing out any air or the airflow is low.
5. Your Electricity Bills Are Unexpectedly High
According to the Australian Government, up to 50% of our household energy bills can be attributed to heating and cooling. A damaged or malfunctioning system will only have to work harder, which could contribute to even higher electricity bills!
It can be tough to pinpoint the exact reason for an increase in your energy bills, but if your rates haven’t changed and you suspect your split system is to blame, it could be worth investigating. This is especially the case if your split system is experiencing issues like those mentioned in this article!
6. Continuous Fault Codes
Fault codes are system errors that show up on your split system remote or wall-mounted controller. They are usually a combination of numbers and letters such as UH or P4. You can find the meaning of each fault code in your user manual or by searching online for the fault code and your split system model.
Sometimes your split system can resolve an error on its own with a little bit of help from you. However, if you have fault codes that won’t go away or keep coming back, call in a professional to address the issue. Fault codes can be occurring alongside system malfunctions.
7. Your System Often Breaks Down
If you experience frequent problems with your split system, more regular servicing can help to keep it in prime condition. Yearly services are recommended for troublesome systems, and you should arrange extra repairs in between this time if you notice an issue.
In these cases, it might be best to replace your split system with a brand new model. The cost of extra servicing and repairs can add up over time and upgrading can ensure trouble-free long term operation.
Get Started with Split System Servicing!
When it comes time for split system servicing, be sure to partner with a trusted heating and cooling professional. A trained technician can give you the best advice and help you choose between system maintenance, targeted repairs, and new split system installations. Choosing an experienced, qualified, and insured team will give you peace of mind and guarantee a job well done!