What Can Cause a Furnace to Stop Working

Before considering the problems of a gas furnace, it is paramount to know the regular operation of a gas furnace. This will help to detect any fault or problems that may occur quickly.
How does a Furnace Work?
The burner is very useful in instigating the ignition of propane (natural gas). This brings about flames that heat a heat exchanger. The heat exchanger is usually made of metal. The heat which emanates from the metal heat exchanger is then conveyed to the incoming air. This incoming air is hot, and it is later directed into another chamber known as ductwork through the furnace blower. With this, the warm air can then flow and circulate within the house/office. This leads to the displacement of colder air by the warm air. At this point, the warm air circulates across all parts of the room while the colder air moves are trapped into the furnace where it would be heated.

Furnace repair
Below are the common factors that cause a furnace to stop working:
#1. Lack of Periodic and Proper Maintenance Service
Every appliance needs regular care and maintenance. Your furnace will always face hiccups if you fail to carry out routine maintenance checks. Periodic and proper maintenance is an excellent factor in ensuring a long-lasting and well-serving gas furnace. A well-maintained furnace can be efficient in heating the home and even your office. It is thereby suggested that a gas furnace undergo periodic and routine maintenance services at least once or twice annually. For proper maintenance service, there is ample need to engage a competent HVAC technician from a furnace repair company in Dallas to repair the gas furnace, in order not to worsen the problem. Trying to repair your furnace by yourself might lead to more questions if you don’t have the required expertise. More so, it will save you from extra spending.
#2. The Pilot or Ignition problems
Your furnace may refuse to switch on at some points. This typifies ignition problems, and such issues should be solved as quickly as possible. We have two types of gas furnaces. Some furnaces are embedded with pilot lights. The other version of furnace operates with the assistance of the electric ignition. Your furnace will experience a pilot light issue if the stay lit is faulty. You should expect to experience this if your pilot orifice is clogged. This can also be caused by a bad thermocouple, a safety cutoff valve that is faulty, or an extremely low pilot flame. A furnace that operates with electric ignition also experiences this same problem. In this case, it is caused by intermittent switching-on and shutting-down of the furnace within a short period. Users can quickly solve this by resetting the ignition control module. You can achieve this by switching-on and switching-off power.
#3. Dirty/ clogged filters problems
Filters, as the name implies, is a very active part of the room heating/cooling system in the purification of the air coming into the home/office. The filter helps in keeping dirt out of the system, to ensure that air circulating in the home/office is free and clean from impurities of any kind. Since the filters bar dirt and other pollutants from getting into your home, it is thereby essential to clean the filters regularly to prevent them from clogging. Clogged or dirty air filters damages the filter switch which affects the HVAC system. When jammed, the filter will fail to purify the air, and this is not good for the Air circulation system of your room.
#4. Damaged/ Malfunctioning thermostat problem
The heating cycle should not be allowed to operate in isolation; hence, the need for your heat circulation system to have a very efficient thermostat. The thermostat performs a specific role, which is to regulate the cycle of heating. So, the thermostat helps regulate the home/office when it is heating up. The thermostat will automatically detect when the room is overheated, and it will quickly notify the control board to discontinue the heating process. You will burn out in your room if your thermostat suddenly stops working. Hence, damaged or malfunctioned thermostat makes the room unconducive and uncomfortable due to too much heat in the home/office.
#5. Frequent Cycling from On and Off
Often, you may notice your furnace switching on and off intermittently. This is a pointer to the fact that your furnace is faulty. Problems associated with frequent cycling from on & off is usually traced to the thermostat and the air filters. So, next time you notice recurrent off and on issues on your furnace, carry our problematic checks on your thermostat or your Air filter.
#6. The Blower problem
The Blower is a very vital part of the furnace. It is ushered heat from the return ducts and direct it into the heat exchanger for heating. Blower problems will cause delays in the Heating of the Air. When discovering that the gas furnace has a blower problem, there is a need for replacement through a professional HVAC technician.
#7. Lack of Heat in the Furnace
This occurs when the furnace fails to heat up for the air to be warmed. You should quickly call for troubleshooting when you discover that the gas furnace is not heated. This problem may occur due to the gas furnace power, gas, pilot light, or thermostat issue.
#8. Wear and Tear Problem
Most equipment and house-hold appliances often suffer from wear and tear due to their prolonged work and usage. In the same vein, gas furnace parts and components may wear out after extended use. This calls for replacement or recommendations by the HVAC technician.
#9. Inadequate Heat in the Furnace
In some other cases, the gas furnace will be working and functioning correctly but generates less heat, which is not adequate to heat-up the home or office. There is a need to check the filter if it has is clogged, or call for HVAC technician to check.
#10. Noisy Gas Furnace
It can be very cranky to notice that your furnace is giving out sounds whenever you switch it on. The likely noise exhibited by a gas furnace is rumbling, rattling, or squeaking.
It would help if you did not try to handle such issues with kid gloves; else, your furnace will stop working in a short while. There is ample need to call your HVAC technician immediately you hear cranky sounds from your furnace.