Idea of Art Galleries and Exhibitions

An art gallery is in broader sense a museum of art. The museum holds usually the original artifacts and that is the idea of art gallery as well. An art gallery is a place which holds original work of art of any artist. There are many different types of art, ranging from paintings to sculptures. The art gallery showcases this work of arts in a simple or themed manner. The art galleries or art museums like other museums are government run galleries for show case purposes only. Major work of art which has acceptance and recognition around the world is usually displayed in state run art galleries. These work of art are either donated to the government by the artist themselves or the state themselves take control of it, declaring them a part of country ís heritage. This type of art is very expensive and is displayed for seeing purpose only with a cost of ticket to enter the gallery or the museum.
Apart from state run art galleries and museums, there are art galleries which are run by artists privately or in collaboration with sponsors of major companies. The aim of these art gallery shows is to give an opportunity to art lovers to see from an artist eyes and to earn money as well. Usually the art gallery shows have price tags on the work of art displayed there. They have on the spot sale as well. Many art lovers visit these galleries for chance to have a close look at this amazing work of art and maybe even get home improvement ideas as well as for decoration of their office or home.
If you want to have an art gallery show, weather you yourself are an artist or not, you need to have a theme for your event. The theme needs to be decided according to the art displayed there and should also be somewhat closely related to the event for which you are arranging the art gallery show. Following are some of the events to have your themed art gallery show.
Fundraising Art Gallery Shows:

There are many artists who for the sake of charity plus advertisement give away their art work to the event organizers and charity organizations. The idea of this themed art gallery show is to have buyers and admirers of the art work to participate in charity work while following their passion. The theme needs to be matching with the event. The art work doesnít have to be related to the idea of charity, but if it is, then it is better and guarantees success of the event. The show is a must eye catcher as the gallery would be having art work of many different artists under one roof. This creates excitement among the art viewers and lovers for having the chance to compare art work of different artists.
Educating Art Gallery Shows:
This type of art gallery show events are usually arranged at school, colleges and universities. In some cases when the art work is precious and is expensive to transport because of security problems, students are asked to visit the art galleries. These sorts of shows can be brilliant school fundraising ideas Australia to help needy students of different schools and colleges.The art gallery of this kind is arranged with the theme of educating the young pupil. The art work chosen for it has either modern ideas or they showcase the events of history of long time back. Usually these tours are guided with a person explaining the significance and background of the art work.