Kitchen Cabinet Maintenance Tips
When Kitchen cabinets are installed in any new home, they give the space not only a sharp but also a clean look. However, since cabinets are used every day, they quickly suffer wear and tear. While a kitchen cabinet is without a doubt the costliest part of any kitchen, it pays off to keep it in the best possible shape at all times. In this piece, you will learn several maintenance tips for your cabinetry to ensure it last for long and is in good shape.
Come Up With a Cleaning Schedule
Having a cleaning routine for your kitchen cabinet cannot be understated as it is one of the most important maintenance practices. Ensure the cabinets are clean and dust free at all times. Unfortunately, this practice is often forgotten; hence, it is important to add it in your calendar. Have a plan of cleaning its doors as well as the drawers, at least once every two weeks. Clean the entire cabinet every six months. You should clean both its inside and outside.
Ensure It Is Ventilated
Most homeowners forget to get rid of the grease that could be clogged on the cabinetry vents. Gunk buildup can take a toll on your kitchen cabinet. To ensure these do not build up, be on the lookout to ensure that the vent and hood filter is clean and in good shape. If it is dirty, clean it thoroughly before replacing it. In case you do not have a good range or a vent for dispersing some of the greases, then start cutting down on the amount that is sent into the air. You can try a grease spatter guard. This prevents the nearby cabinets from being sprayed with oil when cooking. Also, stick to healthier meals as this reduces the amount of filth in your kitchen.
Spills Should be Cleaned Immediately
Most people are fond of leaving spills and splatters to dry on the cabinetry. Always wipe such drips immediately they occur. If they are left unwiped for a long duration, they will eventually soak into the cabinet, leaving stains and sticky residue. Cleaning the cupboard off these spills will prevent it from absorbing substances which could deteriorate its looks.
Have Proper Cleaning Tool
Cabinets are every kitchen’s focal point and thus a single scratch no matter how little it may seem may have an effect on the room’s appeal. Therefore, there is a need for you to choose appropriate tools for cleaning it or even repairing broken parts. This will avoid accidentally damaging it when carrying out any maintenance practices. In this case, choose soft cleaning cloths and brushes and avoid stiff ones especially those containing metal. Also, avoid scouring pads and abrasive sponges.
Start Cleaning Your Cabinetry from the Top
You can make the cleaning job a walk in the park by starting with your upper cabinet. Do not save them for the last, to prevent dust and grime from settling on the already cleaned lower cabinets. Use a soft cloth to quickly remove dust from the top of the cabinet. In case it does not extend to the ceiling, only dust its tops using a small handheld vacuum.
You can also use a mild cleanser or warm water with dishwashing liquid to clean its front side. This gets rid of grease that may have settled on the cabinet. Ensure you remove it as soon as it spills as without doing so; it will pile and will be difficult to remove over time. Avoid using an extremely wet cloth as this will make the cabinet wood to swell and warp the cabinet frames and doors.

Kitchen Cabinet
Avoid Humidity and Temperature Extremes
Extreme humidity and temperatures always cause your cabinet to expand, contract, warp or even swell. At times they make the cupboard to dry-out which has a toll of your cabinetry finish. Therefore ensure you control the humidity and temperature in your home, especially your kitchen where these cupboards are mostly found. Don’t allow minor warping to go through one heating before making a replacement.
Light Damage Should be prevented
Direct exposure to sunlight is harmful not only to your interior décor but also your kitchen cabinet. It has the worst damaging effect especially on one made from natural wood. The UV light from the sun also causes the paint on the cabinet to fade. Thermo foil and laminated cabinets are also not left behind as they also fade upon prolonged exposure to the UV rays. In this case, window coverings help a lot in reducing the damage caused by prolonged exposure to sunlight.
If you follow these and more maintenance tips, you will enjoy your kitchen longer. Ensure that you also engage a qualified contractor to carry out repairs instead of you carrying them out yourself. RTA Cabinet Supply