Practicing Self-Care at Home

What makes us stressed? Many stressors are external. Meaning they happen to us and are out of our control, such as job demands, job loss, loss of a loved one, school pressures, current events, and more. Internal stressors come from our thoughts, unrealistic expectations, and bad behaviors, such as when we put too much pressure on ourselves or live unhealthy lifestyles.
Whether stress is internal or external, the physical and mental consequences are the same. Insomnia, eating issues, loss of interest in daily life, irritability, and head and stomach pain are symptoms of stress that, if unrelieved, can lead to chronic stress. While talking to a mental health professional is recommended for unmanageable stress, there are many things we can do at home to lower our stress levels.
The below infographic,15 Ways to Turn Your Home into a Self-Care Sanctuary, offers time-tested ideas for making your home into your personal refuge. While the outside world can be stressful, your residence should be the location to de-stress, relax, and take care of yourself. The ultimate goal is to achieve better emotional, mental, and physical health. We spend a lot of time in our homes, so making the home environment more calming and peaceful will positively impact our mood.
Graphic created by ImproveNet.